Monday, January 15, 2018

Be Intentional!

It's been a while since I've posted an update.  I have had my ups and downs like everyone else, but I have finally made the decision to start an exercise and clean eating lifestyle. For the past few years I have been content with how I looked and felt.  When I did get the urge to want to make a change, the urge to eat what I wanted always won out.  Because of this, I am at my heaviest I have ever been .  I am the most unhealthy I have ever been.  I am the oldest I have ever been.  I know, the last one you probably though "DUH Ginger!".  I said that because all of these make it an excellent time to make the change.  of course being younger wouldn't have been good either with being unhealthy and fat, but being that I am getting older, it is especially important to take care of myself.  I have kids and a husband that I want to be around for in the future.

It's time for me!  I have been focusing on taking care of the kids that I forgot about myself.  I realize that if I don't take care of me, then there might not be a "me" to take care of the kids.  I have had many high school classmates that have either died or have had some serious health issues and I don't want to be added to the list.  I CAN make the change and I WILL!  Today! Tomorrow! The day after that!

I have said it before, you have to have a strong enough reason to make the change.  Then you have to commit to doing it.  Follow through with that reason!  Think of it often!  I finally have that commitment in my soul.  I have made the plan on how to do it and how to follow through.  I have talked to my family and they are supporting me, but also participating.  For the past month I have been preparing for this change.  During the preparation and prayer, I realized that I need to be INTENTIONAL in what I do.  That means that I have to set aside time do do my exercise, to eat, to plan, to cook, to pray.  I realized that I was busy before, but it I wasn't getting much accomplished.  I had to plan my day and incorporate all these things in it.  I can't just go about my day without a plan.

My Plan?  I'm glad you asked.  Every night before bed, I sit down with my Prayerful Planner (a planner that helps me to see my goals, prioritize every day, list what I have done in the day, and a journaling area) to plan my next day.  What will I do throughout the day?  What are my priorities?  I also reflect on the current day.  Did I do what I said I was going to do?  Why not?  Any areas of gratefulness?  Healthy choices?  Any notes or reflections on the day?    I know, I know.  Who has time to do all this?  Well....I do.  I just have to not watch that one show.  During my nightly planning, I am being intentional.  I make myself do it!  I want to make the changes, so I have to take the necessary steps to get it done. 

What does being intentional look like to me? To you?  It might look like what I do or it might look like something else.  Being intentional by definition is to do something on purpose.  I am eating the right foods on purpose.  I am going to crossfit on purpose.  I am going to church on purpose.  I am sitting down with my planner every night on purpose!  ON PURPOSE!!!!  Think about all those things I have done on purpose!  I have driven across town (on purpose) to go to Zips, or Dairy Queen.  Last week after starting my healthier eating, I forgot to bring food with me when I was running errands.  I immediately started thinking of where I could stop to eat.  Instead of stopping at a fast food place, I drove home and ate, ON PURPOSE! 

So, as I continue with my plans to get healthy and fit and thus be around for my kids, I will be doing a lot of planning, and doing (ON PURPOSE)!

Who's with me?

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