Thursday, March 22, 2012

The End is near!!

The End is near!  End of the challenge anyway.  I have 2 1/2 weeks left before I take the "after" pictures, measurements, and bodyfat.  It seems like it's been forever since I started this Body Challenge, but then again, it seems like its too soon to be over.  I haven't done as well as I wanted to, but I have been steadily losing weight and inches and bodyfat.  As of last Monday, I had lost 13 lbs, 7% bodyfat, and 3.5 inches around my middle.  Doing the calculations, I have gained muscle while losing fat!!!  That is why I'm not seeing the number drop as quickly on the scale. 
Thru the end of the Challenge I will be doing 2 Bootcamps and 2 personal training sessions each week.  I have been doing 2 Bootcamps but only 1 PT, but the time has come to pick up the intensity.  I did the Monday Bootcamp and the focus was on the Core (and I sure did feel it Tuesday...and even today).  Tuesday I met with my trainer and we did a Kettle Bell workout.  It was the first time I had ever used Kettle Bells.  I really like it! It definitely worked different muscles.  Tonight I go for my 2nd Bootcamp, I'm looking forward to it.  Then tomorrow I see my trainer again for a one-on-one!  Wow!  I better see a difference from this!!  I was telling Ben that I thought I would be self-conscience about doing these workouts because I thought people would be watching, but once I started I didn't care about anyone else in the gym.  I workout hard and I don't pay attention to anyone else. 
As far as my diet, could be better.  I don't overeat, I'm not eating enough!  And I'm  not eating enough protein either.  If I don't consciously think about it, I could go a day without taking in any protein.  130 grams is my goal.  That's 5-6 protein shakes! 
I will continue after this challenge is over to do the Bootcamp training and I will continue to CONSCIOUSLY make better food choices.  I love food so it is its own challenge for me.  I'm looking at this as a change in lifestyle not a diet.  A "diet" insinuates that it is temporary.  I'm not making a temporary change, I'm making a life change!  I also want to be a good role model for my kids and those who I come into contact with. 
Time for Protein....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Over the Hump

I am losing again...weight and inches that is!  I took my measurements this morning and I have lost 3 lbs this past week and I have lost an inch around my bellybutton (some call it waist, but my waist is higher than that).  I took my measurements and bodyfat with my trainer last Thursday and I lost inches everywhere, even my arms and calves.  I have lost 3% from when I started the challenge!  Yah-hoo!!
My diet is even better!  I don't have as bad of cravings and I'm not as hungry as often.   My work-outs are getting better and more intense.  I am still doing 2 boot camps each week and one training session with my trainer.  I also do 2 days of workouts on my own also.    I only have 4weeks left on this challenge so I need to finish strong!  I am 2/3 of the way finished so quiting would be silly.  I haven't finished a body challenge in a few years.  I start the challenge, but about 3 weeks in I cave into the cravings and let outside factors influence me.  Not this year!  It again comes down to why I'm doing it.  I'm doing it for my family as well as myself!  I don't want to leave my kids before its time.  Unfortunately, my family history isn't a good one for living to a ripe old age so I need to take extra good care of myself. 
By the way, my boot camp class today consisted of intervals, using the TRX Bands, stability exercises, and kettle bells!  This was after doing 8 minutes of walking as fast as I could on the Treadmill with an incline of 30!  After Bootcamp I did 20 minutes of walking at 3.5 on a flat treadmill.  I was spent!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Holding Steady....

So, I have not lost any weight this week, but I have lost inches.  I should be happy with that, but I don't like the scale not agreeing with the measuring tape.  I guess it means I'm gaining muscle, but it still doesn't comfort me. 
I did TWO Bootcamps last week and the 2nd one about killed me.   I was so sore in my lower back for four days.  I was so happy my husband is a Chiropractor.  He helped me so much.  My leg muscles were sore so he used his Vibra-Cussor to massage out my hamstrings and hip flexors.  Our massage table also helped.  Today I was back in the gym and did my first Bootcamp this week and it went well, although I am tired, but that just means I was working hard.  My trainer, who also does bootcamp, told me to work on being able to run a full mile without walking.  Doesn't sound too hard, but it is for me.  So after I kicked but in Bootcamp, I got back on the treadmill and ran a little over half mile, while walking at 4.0 the rest.  Keep in mind that I warmed up doing a mile on the treadmill.  It was a good workout today!  Wondering what we do in Bootcamp?  After warming up running a mile, we then did 30-second intervals with different exercises on the TRX Bands.  It is different each bootcamp.  Last Thursday we did 5 different exercises back to back, as many times as we could in an hour, after warming up doing 2-min sprints and 5 burpees (5 rounds).  The 5 different exercises were: farmers walk with #25 plates around the inside of the gym, line jumps (20), reverse lunges with knee up (20 each side), TRX Rows (20), and push up with knee raise (20).  No problem!
My diet still needs work, but it is better.  I had a cheat meal this weekend, thinking it would help me get re-focused and get the temptation out of my mind.  It didn't!  I just wanted more good tasting, not healthy, food.  Ughh!  Live and learn I guess!  this is why my weight hasn't moved.  Today I am back on track and planning to stay that way for the remainder of the challenge. 
Tomorrow I have a personal training session with my trainer.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I took my measurements, body fat, and measurements this week....
all I can say is that at least I'm going in the right direction.  I have lost only 10 pounds in 6 weeks and 3% body fat.  I'm told that I am losing at the right speed so that I am less likely to gain it back, but I would like to lose a lot more a lot quicker.  I am a little discouraged, but I am continuing my pursuit of healthy and a less fat body. 
My workouts are going well.  I am training with my personal trainer once a week one-on-one and then I do a Cross-fit style boot camp with her once a week, although I am going back to the gym tonight for my 2nd boot camp this week.  I have scheduled it into my schedule for 2 boot camps a week starting next week (or tonight).  It should make a difference, or it better.  I can't tell you how much I like these boot camp workouts.  It is harder than heck, but I love it!  I know I will continue these boot camps even after this challenge is over.
My diet is still very challenging!  I feel very deprived, but if you knew what I ate before, you would say I was a glutton.  Like I said before I have to keep in mind why I am doing this challenge and why I want to lose this weight. 
Now, I have to eat a light meal and drink a Red Bull to get ready for Boot Camp!  YAH!