Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Day - Another Pound!

So, I didn't work out yesterday, but I woke up today feeling good and ready for the workout.  I did weights first. Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps.  I'm getting stronger and closer to where I left off before my looooong break.  I then did cardio, stair mill, eliptical, then treadmill.  I'm able to up the intensity more and I feel pretty good.  I am still keeping my calories at 1500. 
I also took a pro-active role in my goal of losing weight fast, I hired a trainer at the gym for once a week thru the end of the challenge.  I will train with her once a week and I also will be taking a "bootcamp" class from her that should kick my butt!  How did I choose a trainer?  I watched the different trainers and the intensity of the people that they train and the personalities and I chose someone who pushes a little more, who doesn't do a lot of talking.  I don't need someone to be my friend, I need someone who will push me and help me to get the best out of the time I'm there.  If you have kids, you know that your time outside the gym is busy doing family stuff or working.  I have two hours a day (the time I can leave the kids in the daycare) to work out.
As I sit here telling you about my day and goals, my stomach is rumbling.  I'm hungry!  What will I eat?  NOT a candy bar! NOT fast food! I will make myself a protein shake and eat the other half of my pear! 

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