Monday, March 5, 2012

Holding Steady....

So, I have not lost any weight this week, but I have lost inches.  I should be happy with that, but I don't like the scale not agreeing with the measuring tape.  I guess it means I'm gaining muscle, but it still doesn't comfort me. 
I did TWO Bootcamps last week and the 2nd one about killed me.   I was so sore in my lower back for four days.  I was so happy my husband is a Chiropractor.  He helped me so much.  My leg muscles were sore so he used his Vibra-Cussor to massage out my hamstrings and hip flexors.  Our massage table also helped.  Today I was back in the gym and did my first Bootcamp this week and it went well, although I am tired, but that just means I was working hard.  My trainer, who also does bootcamp, told me to work on being able to run a full mile without walking.  Doesn't sound too hard, but it is for me.  So after I kicked but in Bootcamp, I got back on the treadmill and ran a little over half mile, while walking at 4.0 the rest.  Keep in mind that I warmed up doing a mile on the treadmill.  It was a good workout today!  Wondering what we do in Bootcamp?  After warming up running a mile, we then did 30-second intervals with different exercises on the TRX Bands.  It is different each bootcamp.  Last Thursday we did 5 different exercises back to back, as many times as we could in an hour, after warming up doing 2-min sprints and 5 burpees (5 rounds).  The 5 different exercises were: farmers walk with #25 plates around the inside of the gym, line jumps (20), reverse lunges with knee up (20 each side), TRX Rows (20), and push up with knee raise (20).  No problem!
My diet still needs work, but it is better.  I had a cheat meal this weekend, thinking it would help me get re-focused and get the temptation out of my mind.  It didn't!  I just wanted more good tasting, not healthy, food.  Ughh!  Live and learn I guess!  this is why my weight hasn't moved.  Today I am back on track and planning to stay that way for the remainder of the challenge. 
Tomorrow I have a personal training session with my trainer.  I'll let you know how it goes.

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