Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 9

I am very proud of myself for sticking with this diet.  It helps that I am accountable to all of you who are reading this.  When I start thinking of having just one bite of something or when I see the commercial for Red Lobster and they show a picture of the "Cheddar Bay Biscuits", I have to push those thoughts out of my mind and think about why I'm doing this.  My kids, my future with them and my husband are much more important.  12 weeks is a long time, but in reality, it really isn't.  12 weeks out of my life to get to a much healthier place, to be more active for my kids.  To insure that I'm around to see them get married, to see my grandkids (omg, but not for awhile). 
So, what am I doing to help me in my journey.  I put out my morning vitamins, I prepare my food, and shaker cups ready with protein powder and glutamine, and I get my workout clothes ready the night before.  I also do the same for the kids.  I am not a morning person, so when I wake up in the morning, it is a mad dash to get ready, get the kids ready, grab my food bag, the snack bag for Tommy at the gym, Nathan's breakfast, my breakfast, take my vitamins (sometimes this has to wait till I get home), and then head out the door.  Oh, and I also have to feed and water the dogs.  Then when I get out to the car, hopefully the window isn't frosted over.
My husband, Dr. Ben Matheson, is a great supporter.  He gives me words of encouragement and advice.  I also have chiropractic and massage benefits! :) 
Till tomorrow!  Stay strong! Stay Focused! See the goal!

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